BASE® Agent Gateway – Enrolled Leads

We’re sorry, but you currently are unable to access this portion of the BASE® Agent Toolbox website. Please see eligibility requirements below.

BASE® has created the Agent Gateway to help you move your business to a new level. BASE® believes in rewarding those who are committed to providing their clients with valuable savings through BASE® products.

Consider the Agent Gateway a personal concierge service to all things BASE®. You will be granted access to this portion of the BASE® Agent Toolbox upon completing the following:

  1. Agent Toolbox Certification – You will need to read all Certification sections and successfully take all of the quizzes that follow.
  2. Successful Referrals – You will need to demonstrate your understanding of BASE® products by submitting qualified leads that enroll in the BASE® products. You will continue to receive access as long as you have 5 active clients enrolled in any of the BASE® products during a twelve month period.

Once you have successfully completed both of the steps outlined, you will be granted access to the Agent Gateway as proof of your devotion to helping your clients. You will also receive a special welcome package in the mail. The Agent Gateway is literally your door to additional resources, such as exclusive marketing tools and tips. BASE® will also provide you with special access to client reporting tools, which will allow you to keep track of the status of your BASE® referrals as well as renewal information to help you further build relationships with clients and your business.

If you are truly dedicated to your business, you will find the value in the BASE® products and the ability it provides you to sell more and earn more. We hope you will join other colleagues in pushing yourself to the next level.