Section V: Value of BASE®

Chapter 1: How can BASE® products help my sales (Page 2 of 2)

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Finding Dollars

In the world of business, every dollar counts! By introducing your clients to BASE® products, you have the ability to help your business clients find dollars they didn't even know existed. Our BASE® HRA clients save an average of over $4,500 per year, while our other tax advantaged products provide savings to both employers and employees. That's money you just found for your clients. Think of what your clients can do with those extra dollars:

  • Provide health insurance that they otherwise might not have been able to afford.
  • Provide for additional life insurance.
  • Invest more money in their business.
  • And much more!

With BASE® on your side, you can provide your clients with dollars they didn't even know existed!


In the insurance industry, the more products and services you place with your clients, the higher your retention will be. When you introduce your clients to BASE® products, you are showing your clients you are looking out for them and further strengthening your relationship. By doing this you are improving the odds that those clients will continue to do business with you many years down the road. Combine the service provided by BASE® along with the benefits of the BASE® products, you have just strengthened your portfolio of products to ensure a winning combination.


By utilizing BASE® products in your sales presentations, you will open up more doors to new clients through referrals. With the savings and simplicity of our products, it is easy to find new clients to share the tax advantaged benefits BASE® can help you bring to the table. Plus, it can open up more opportunities for multiple sales in one setting.

With a strong grasp of what BASE® products can do, agents have found success in appointment setting, finding dollars for clients, retention, referrals, and increased commissions.